Hi there – I’m Jay, writer & curator of From There To Here. I am a former teacher, English major and current Canadian expatriate who calls Norway home (for now.) In July 2010, my husband, Joe, and I left our comfortable home in Canada for an adventurous life overseas. Our first move took us to Gabon on the West coast of Africa where we battled lizards, cockroaches, lack of consistent power, water and internet and everything else that comes with living in a third world country but we had the time of our lives. We made some fantastic friends,learned a lot about ourselves and the world all while discovering how to appreciate the little things in life.
After 2 years in Gabon, we were more than ready to move on but we knew that we weren’t prepared to head back to Canada yet so we accepted a second expatriation in Norway. I’m certain that we couldn’t have found ourselves in a more different
setting than Gabon but we are loving life in Scandinavia.
I love to read, travel and learn and can often be found with a latte or a glass of redwine (unless, of course, I’m in Canada because then it will be a caesar, extra spicy.) These days you can find me exploring Stavanger, experimenting with photography and trying to figure out where my passions lie outside of teaching.
I love to read, travel and learn and can often be found with a latte or a glass of redwine (unless, of course, I’m in Canada because then it will be a caesar, extra spicy.) These days you can find me exploring Stavanger, experimenting with photography and trying to figure out where my passions lie outside of teaching.

I started my first blog, Into West Africa, in 2010 as a means to keep in touch with family and friends while we set up our home in Gabon but as time went on, my audience grew outside of my family and social circles and I realized just how much I enjoyed writing and keeping a record of our experiences. While our time in Gabon was coming to an end and we prepared to move out of Africa, From There To Here was born.
This space follows our life abroad from settling into our new home in Norway, sharing the highs and lows of expat life, learning about and exploring this gorgeous country and traveling the world. We’d be honoured to have you join us.
If you are new around here, you can learn about our journey to becoming expats here. Some of the most popular posts can be found here, here, here and here but if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me.
Thank you for stopping by – I hope you come again.