Oslo, Take Two

Monday, 7 April 2014

A couple of weeks ago, Joe had meetings in Oslo.  It's normal for him to fly to another Norwegian city for business here and there but often it's just a day trip and usually it's in the middle of the week.  We used to hope for the meetings to partner up with a weekend so that we could go a little early and I would be able to tag along but it rarely happens.  When the meetings came up on a Monday and Tuesday, we decided we'd better take advantage of the opportunity.

The weather in Norway has been so fantastic lately.  I know, for those of you in much of Canada and the Eastern US, you're shaking your head at me but I can't help but be ecstatic over the arrival of Spring.  This winter was really hard on both of us; the daylight hours so minimal and the multitude of wind storms took it's toll but I'm convinced that all of that just makes us appreciate the arrival of the next season even more.  As we looked ahead to the forecast during our time in Oslo, we were both so excited to see the city above zero with clear skies.

It wasn't an exciting or a big trip for us but the change of scenery was really welcome.  Joe's been having a particularly hard time at work lately with tasks piled so high that he hardly takes a break for supper before getting back to the computer until bedtime.  While in Oslo, he was able to work Norwegian hours.  (I mentioned here before that there's a strong worker's union in his industry which limits working hours and no one works overtime.  A day is 7.5 hours and it's uncommon to take work home.  While I wish it applied to Joe, as an expat, there are several shades of grey and he doesn't get to reap those benefits.)  I hadn't been feeling well and had sort of holed up in the house taking it easy on my body which was needed but I certainly was ready to get out and Oslo was the perfect excuse.

Our last trip to Norway's capital city was at the beginning of February and it was cold and icy.  It's quite amazing how one can see a city so differently through a different season and while Oslo failed to impress us our first time around, we did warm (figuratively and literally) a little to it this time.
While in town, we finally made it to the Viking Ship Museum.  While these ships were well-known to be used on the water, they were also used in burials in Norway.  The ship pictured above was brought ashore in 834 for two wealthy women, filled with goods to be used in their next life and became their burial chamber.  Over 1000 years later, the ship was found by a farmer on his land and excavated in 1903.  


  1. You are so right about the weather and how that has an impact of your impression of this city. I think all Norwegians will agree with you on that, me included :) The spring time is almost a little magical because after several months of darkness (east part of Norway not as bad as the North part), people start to come out a bit more. We spend so much time inside during the winter it's almost like we're hibernating :) :) :) Love the spring, May is defo my favourite month!

    1. Joe and I commented a couple of weeks ago that we're starting to see our neighbours again. We were seriously questioning if they all had left the country for several months. With the sun, everyone is coming out and it's much more jovial!

  2. I got so excited when I saw a new post from you pop up in my newsfeed! I'm also making a come back with a post tomorrow :) We often try to do this as well when one of us has a meeting in either Cape Town or Durban - works out perfectly since one of our costs is already covered. Sounds like a wonderful long weekend breakaway!

  3. The Viking ship museum is one of my favorites!

    1. It's a really great museum - the perfect size and the content really interesting!

  4. I can't wait to go to Oslo in the summer. And thanks for presenting the Viking Ship Museum. I didn't know it existed but it's on my to do list now ;)

    1. Definitely add it to the list. We also did the Folkemuseum nearby which I think might be cool in the summer although it is a little pricy!

    2. I've been living here for 35 years now, and I still look forward to going to the Viking Ship museum when we have visitors. Look at these elegant ships and think about the kind of people that crossed the Atlantic in them! The nearby museums (Fram, Kontiki, Folkemuseum) all give me the same feeling of admiration for a nation of seriously tough individuals - though the ships top them all.
      Otherwise, I think a different mindset about winter is needed to appreciate it. Forget about the "city" side of your life in the winter, just archive it until the spring and summer come back. Enjoying the snow is the thing - even after all this time, I am spellbound by the beauty of winter landscapes when I go skiing.

  5. I love it when things line up like that and you can explore a city and get the meeting ins :)

  6. That is just jaw-dropping (the age of the ship). I'm glad you were able to take advantage of Joe's meetings this time; from your instagram it sounds like it was a great weekend. I can't wait to read more here!

  7. Those viking ships are so amazing-- it would be incredible to see close up. Glad your second trip there went over a bit better than the first... I think people forget they don't have to love every city they visit. I always appreciate your honest posts :)

  8. Wow, a Viking Ship museum! That is seriously cool!

  9. oh that museum sounds AMAZING! there's a Viking exhibit at the British Museum right now that I really want to see but obviously you guys have the real deal - how incredible. I'm glad you got to tag along!

    and yay for spring :)

  10. When at the Viking Museum, you drove past the Canadian ambassy which is just a five minutes walk from the museum. You should buy it :) Cheap as well!



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