Øvre Holmgate

Friday, 12 October 2012

One of my favourite, and most recognizable, streets in Stavanger is Øvre Holmgate.  Located in the downtown port, it is widely known as the colourful street.

Stavanger's downtown area is home to Northern Europe's largest concentration of wooden homes and the exterior colour of these homes is heavily moderated, and mostly painted white.  Øvre Holmgate itself dates back to the middle ages and while fire once devastated this entire area, it was rebuilt to it's historic charm in the 1800's.  While the rest of the city continued to develop, this area was left behind until one of the local business owners crafted an idea to liven up the street with a bit of colour.

Working with artist Craig Flannagan, a plan was born.  Each house was given 4 or 5 colours meant to harmonize with it's neighbours and this new colourful street was created and unveiled in 2005.  Now, it's home to trendy and eccentric shops and cafes and is one of the most photographed sites in the Stavanger region.


  1. oh my goodness-so beautiful and fun! a million miles from africa. now on my bucket list!

  2. it's so beautiful, so picturesque!

    the sign on one of the stores is too funny: 'you're gorgeous, but what's with the hair.'

  3. Looks wonderful!! Would definitely also be my most favourite street! So colourful!!

  4. The colourful wooden houses are exactly like Halifax, St. John's, and Lunenburg!

  5. So beautiful, exotic and unique!

  6. Oh I LOVE this!! What a beautiful street. Awesome thing to share- thanks!

  7. How cute is it?! Maybe I should take a trip to Norway when I'm living in London next year eh?!

  8. I love this street too! Great to know the history =)

  9. I love this street too! Great to know the history =)

  10. Soooo colorful! I love it so mcuch.


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