Monday, 18 June 2012

Last weekend, I turned 29.

Funny - I don't feel 29 at all.  When someone says they're 25, I think we're the same age.

Young at heart I suppose.

This was the first year that Joe and I have spent my birthday together since 2005.  The past 2 years, Joe's been in Gabon and I've been in Canada.  Before that, he in Houston, me in Canada and before that, a 7 hour drive between our respective cities.

I don't really make a big deal out of birthdays but it was really nice to finally spend the day together.  We relaxed all day as we had plans with friends that evening.  They came around for a bottle of champagne (or 2) poolside before dinner and then back to the pool afterwards for more drinks.  The men went for a 1 am swim, we chatted, laughed, drank too much, played a board game and ended off the night with a Stanley Cup game on tv.  

 Funglish (I won)

My friends gave me a painting from a local artist who paints on a metal canvas.

I crawled into bed at 5:30 am.

The next day I was abruptly reminded that I am in fact 29 and not 18.


  1. well happy late bday love!

    i completely understand the fact that i feel 25 still. 2 day hangovers always remind me im not ;) im 29 next month...little nervous but at least we're not 30 yet!

  2. Why is it that hangovers get worse and worse as you get older?... sad, but oh so true! Happy Birthday - glad you and your man were able to celebrate together this year :)


  3. it is an age thing, also , i find my hangovers are worse in the heat...

    love the painting-happy b-day.

  4. Oh I love this! Wish Gabon was closer to Senegal! Happy Birthday!

  5. Happy birthday!

    I too had a moment of, "oh yes, I'm not 18 anymore" this weekend... And I only stayed up till 1am! 5:30?! I couldn't even imagine... Props. Mad props.

  6. Hi dear ;)
    I love you're blog, I follow u!
    A lot of kisses, http://zapatodetacon.blogspot.com.es/

  7. Awww! Happy birthday! Spending your bday with someone you love is amazing :-). I definitely feel you on the not feeling your age thing, I'm turning thirty this year and I still feel like I'm 20!

  8. Why do hangovers do not get easier as we get older?! I was reminded of this as well not to long ago--oh hey Saturday spent all day in bed. Not fun. Sounds like you had a blast though and thats what matters!


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